Save Big With Medicard
Medicard is pleased to have over 200,000+ satisfied cardholders who have saved $1,000’s on daily basis utilizing over 500 merchant locations nationwide.
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How To Become A Medicard Member
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Building #3, Fernandes
Compound, Laventille
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Throughout Trinidad & Tobago
Benefits of Medicard
Our Discount Partners
“We recommend this card to persons that’s to say how much we like it.”
“Was most impressed on the amount I saved when I was pregnant on Ultrasounds and my accommodation at St. Augustine Medical by using my Medicard. This card is God sent!”
“This Medicard has been very valuable to me. I use it all time at Denise Designs, Pizza Hut, Xtra Foods, Mario’s, Dominoes and Ruby Tuesdays. I always get great discounts.”
“My family has all benefitted by the discounts we received used the Medicard, at Xtra Foods, GNC, Detor, Bradford Trading, Car Search and Southern Sales.”
“I love this card it’s amazing, the number of discounts I get at Courts Optical, American Stores and plenty fast food restaurants”
“The customer service I receive at A&L Pharmacy has been second to none. They always remind me to use my Medicard every time I shop at their pharmacy. I have saved so much money with my card and I continue to renew every single year. I recommend everyone to get a card.”
“Very enjoyable. Fully enjoy my experience with using my Medicard”